Welcome to the Trekking-Atlas's gallery !


This gallery has been automatically generated for project Trekking-Atlas by yag-osdl version 0.5 on Monday, 17 April 2006.

The gallery is structured in a tree-fashion, through which you can navigate from here. Overview pages allow you to browse content effectively (multiple content elements at a time), you just have to click on any thumbnail to access the full content and its possible meta-datas. Available meta-data are listed together with their content, in overview pages.

There are currently two kinds of meta-data :

Meta-data for content
Icon Name Role
Comment Some text supplied by the gallery's author, linked with a piece of content
Theme A list of themes to which the content belongs to, according to the author

Gallery recommended usage & hints

Voyage au Maroc, du jeudi 6/4/2006 au jeudi 13/4/2006. Organisé par Marmara/Etapes Nouvelles. Visite de Marrakech et randonnée dans le Haut Atlas. Participants :

You can browse this gallery according to two organization schemes :

[Browse gallery now !]

Drop a line to the gallery's author

Created on Monday, 17 April 2006 for project Trekking-Atlas by yag-osdl version 0.5